Minutes #3


Coastal Virginia Medical Society

Organizational Committee Meeting

Minutes #3 – February 21, 2023

Minutes for Meeting of February 21, 2023

Members present: Keith Berger, MD, Peter LaPlace, MD, Greg Warth, MD.

Guests: Mary Beth McIntire, Jenny Young, Charlotte Dunn

The virtual (Zoom) meeting began at 7:00PM EST.


The following documents required for our organization, the Coastal Virginia Medical Society, were reviewed, edited, and approved:

1.    Business Plan: Regarding the Financial Statement, it was felt that the Executive Director would only need to be part time at least initially, so we could reduce the salary expense by half. The dues were perhaps too low compared to surrounding societies (Richmond $350, MSNVA->$400), but Albemarle-$155, and Lynchburg-$225 were lower. It was noted that initially we want to perhaps keep them on the lower side in order to get more members to join. It was generally felt that the more members we have, the stronger the organization. However, one member felt that a smaller organization with members that were more active and enthusiastic might be advantageous. A small group of such individuals could be developed as the Executive Committee. We discussed whether we should market to individual physicians or groups. It was thought that marketing to groups would provide the most revenue. We may also consider trying to obtain sponsorships from the various hospital systems to add revenue thereby adding more benefits and reducing our dues. Some our corporate partnerships that we develop may sponsor dinners and lectures regarding things like risk management, investing, etc. Various committees were reviewed, approved, and will be added to the Business Plan.

2.    Bylaws: This document was accepted as written.

3.    Articles of Incorporation: Accepted as written. There are blanks to be filled in after we determine our legal representation. The place of future meetings will probably mostly be virtual but could be at a central location like a restaurant. Our legal address to receive mail hasn't been determined yet.

The Board of Directors will include members of the core group involved in the meetings and discussions we have had thus far. The current Board of Directors therefore will include Peter Laplace, MD, Marissa Galicia-Castillo, MD, Cynthia Romero, MD, Keith Berger, MD, Duane Lawrence, MD, Joel Bundy, MD, Lisa Barr, MD, and Greg Warth, MD. The officers will be selected at our first Board meeting after CVMS has become a legal entity.

Legal Representation:

Our guests from MSV suggested using Scott Johnson and Mike Newby of the Hancock, Daniel, and Johnson Law Firm. They have been representing MSV (Medical Society of Virginia) for years and understand the issues surrounding medical societies and their interactions with Virginia state legislators. We will make contact with them in the near future.


We further discussed the concept that we want this medical society to make a difference, to be active in promoting changes in the healthcare system that will improve the face of healthcare delivery, access to care, and the welfare of both patients and providers. The current system is costly, inefficient, frustrating to patients and leads to widespread depression in providers who are faced with overwhelming workloads and little or no control.

Other Suggestions from MSV:

We greatly appreciated the attendance and input from Mary Beth McIntire and Jenny Young. They suggested that we choose one or two issues initially that we want to get behind and push for change. Some of the societies have developed special programs like "Walk and Talk" where patients can visit with Board members in a park and talk about healthcare concerns while walking. We may want to meet with specific specialty groups like hospitalists, orthopedic groups and others to learn about their concerns. Also, their suggestions regarding finances, dues, and legal representation were noted above. 

Communications / Next Meeting:

It was resolved by the Committee that we will meet again next month either virtually or in person, date, and time to be determined. We will also stay in touch by emails in between our official meetings. We want to continue to keep our lines of communication open at all times to discuss new ideas or concerns. 


In addition to the guests from MSV, who have helped tremendously by attending today and providing their support, I also want to acknowledge the excellent and very helpful input from both Charlotte Dunn, Client Risk Advisor for Professional Risk, and Claudia Tellez, Executive Director of the Medical Society of Northern Virginia. They have been very accommodating and forthcoming in providing knowledge and resources to help us get re-established as a merged medical society. Also, I must mention again the support we have received from Susan Herring, the Executive Director of the Tri-County Medical Society, who actually got this process started. We also appreciate all the members of the core group of individuals who have given their time and effort to be on this organizing committee. The team effort of these physicians has been outstanding. 

The meeting was adjourned at around 8:00PM.

Plans were made for our next meeting to occur again in one month either by Zoom or in person, time, and date to be determined. 

Respectfully submitted,

Gregory J. Warth, MD



February 22, 2023

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