MONDAY, 4/15/24 -corrected
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Dr. Warth, President.
Present: Absent:
Dr. Gregory Warth Dr. Alexandria Berger
Dr. Lisa Barr Dr. Jerome Blackman
Dr. Keith Berger James Beckner
Dr. David Archer Sheila T. Minaya
Dr. Juan Montero
Diane Warth, Executive Director
Guest: Stacie Cutchins, MSVIA
Status Update: Dr. Warth. He indicated he has applied for the formation of CVMS Foundation. Will need information and help on how to fund the Foundation. Will ask Dr. Montero for any tips he may have.
Financial: We have a new member who has submitted an application to join but has not paid. Dr. Barr will contact her regarding her interest.
--Mental Healthcare: Dr. Blackman has written a position paper which will need to be reviewed by the Board at the next meeting.
--IVF: Dr. Archer is an OB-GYN and is interested in advocating for women’s reproductive rights. He explained the complicated atmosphere in the country at this time regarding this topic, including the recent Alabama law which declared that embryos are people and has criminalized their destruction. He feels CVMS should draft a response. He would like to have this shared with the membership. The Mission Statement on our website states there should be no intervention from politicians. Reproductive rights for women are between patient and physician and not the government. At this time, Gov. Youngkin has not indicated a position on this subject and there is no bill passed yet. There is currently no bill to restrict the rights. There is a bill pending for 2025 stating there should be no intervention. Abortion rights are currently left to the individual states and at this time, Virginia has not intervened. Apparently medical schools have decided to be neutral and have not reached out to the governors of states. Dr. Archer has been a member of the Board of Medicine but will soon be leaving. A position paper by CVMS was tabled until the next meeting. Dr. Archer did send a position paper he drafted to the Board members just prior to this meeting.
--Task Force – Certificate of Need: Dr. Berger is a member of the Virginia State Task Force for Health Services along with Dr. Eppes. Dr. Eppes is the Chair. The first meeting was held in March 2024 in Richmond. Legislators have asked for feedback on the mental health situation in Virginia. Current issues and concerns were expressed at the meeting as well as expediting the CON issue. Members of the Task Force have been asked to bring information on 2 topics at the next meeting on 5/30/24. Attorney Jamie Cavenaugh of the Free Market Medical Association has worked with the issue of CONs for many years and may be a good resource for us. The malpractice cap is being worked on. New Hampshire was able to get rid of CONs and South Carolina is doing the same thing. We need to obtain information from these states about how this came about. Hospitals are very forceful about not changing the CON. The Medical Society of Virginia is nebulous about their stance. It would be helpful to work with the Northern Virginia and Richmond medical societies regarding CON reform. Currently, a CON is needed to collect facility fees for procedures done in-office for Medicare and Medicaid patients. Many medical groups are not able to cover their costs because of the inability to collect the facility fee.
Frustration was expressed by Board members about the general practice of medicine in our area and how we can facilitate a change. MSV and AMA would be the organizations to contact to share what is happening here. Again, working with other medical societies would be helpful. We need to address problems that are affecting the public such as finding physicians and specialists.
--Proposals: Proposals are needed to submit at this meeting.
--Delegates: It was suggested that a sign up for delegates be held at the next membership meeting.
--MSV Advocacy Summit in June: If attending, please register. Dr. Montero noted that our numbers are important, and we need more to make a difference. He indicated there were 2 local groups we could connect with: The Filipino Medical Group and the Eastern Virginia Chinese Physicians Organization would be important to contact. The more we can network and collaborate with others, the better. We should find out from other medical societies what has worked well for them.
New Benefits for Members: A membership packet should be put together for new members upon joining including membership cards.
Set up Happy Hour Once a Month: The Executive Director will look into establishing a Happy Hour once a month on Thursdays. She will check at the Westin, Steinhilbers, Ballyhoo’s (with live music), the Tradewinds at the Wyndham and Hackers at Hilltop in Virginia Beach. Other ideas that are family-friendly would be social outings to the botanical gardens, the zoo, Family Beach Day and strawberry picking.
Special Interest Groups: To improve camaraderie, special interest groups would be an idea such as golfing and any other activities where members can get together on a social basis.
Next Membership Meeting: The next membership meeting will take place on Wednesday, 6/19/24, Juneteenth. There will be a short presentation. Perhaps Dr. Hart’s jazz band could play. More information to follow.
Awards to Members: An idea is Lifetime Service Award and recognizing members for published articles, and other accomplishments.
Dues: The idea of a Retired Membership level was brought up and will be discussed in the future. It was noted that a group of retired surgeons in the area meet once a month for lunch. The subject of lowering dues was proposed. The members in attendance felt we should not decrease dues this at this time since we are just forming.
--CME Meetings with Prime: We have talked with a representative who can set up CME meetings sponsored by us but put on by Prime. There are mandatory credits for opiates and human trafficking involved.
--Landmark: This is an online intensive 3-day workshop for professional and personal development and there are other topics available. We can propose this to the membership.
--Leadership Webinar: Keith Berger will take the lead on this.
--Health Insurance Broker: The contact is Alex Lee. Dr. Warth will attend a Zoom meeting on 4/17/24 at 1:00 p.m.
--Local Recruitment Services – Centerwell: Dr. Warth will attend a Zoom meeting on 4/24/24 at 1:00 p.m. with Max Langhurst.
--MSVIA Contract: Stacie Cutchins indicated the contract is similar to last year. The question is whether we should sign an exclusive contract. MSVIA will provide services and a donation to CVMS. The Richmond Medical Society likes the contract, the Northern Virginia Medical Society not so much. MSVIA’s website would be listed on ours, but members may go where they choose for malpractice insurance. MSVIA Profits go back to MSV. Professional Risk is another big player in Virginia which includes The Doctors Company. MSVIA is willing to present a legislative update, in person or virtually. She will forward the request to the appropriate individuals on their legislative team. The MSVIA contract discussion with be tabled until the next meeting. It was noted that the Nurse Practitioner Independent Practice group is proposing a 3-year practice period before the ability to practice alone. This is a compromise for next year. The period initially proposed was 5 years.
The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Warth
Executive Director
Please add your comments or suggestions on any past or future events in the box below.
Stay up to date on issues and news you need to know. The CVMS Bulletin is published monthly and will list concerns that local physicians have expressed about healthcare in Coastal Virginia and how we can make it better. We will provide potential solutions and let you know what is happening behind the scenes to help solve these problems. Membership is not currently required to receive the newsletter.
Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM
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Things You Need to Know
The Roman Fasces was a symbol of strength and power occurring as a result of many binding together. It was made of multiple elm or birchwood rods about 5 feet long tied together and sometimes including an axe. It was carried by attendants to soldiers or powerful figures in ancient Rome. For us, it symbolizes that we are stronger and more powerful if we bind together in supporting our goals.