Monday, March 18, 2024
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:13 p.m. by Dr. Warth, President.
PRESENT: Drs. Gregory Warth, Jerome Blackman, David Asher, Patricia King, Alex Berger and Juan Montero (by phone) and James Beckner.
ABSENT: Dr. Lisa Barr.
INTRODUCTIONS: Robert Davis of TrueBlueMD and Diane Warth, Executive Director, CVMS.
Evaluation of 3/13/24 Membership Meeting: The meeting was quite enjoyable with delicious hors d’oeuvres, wine and a fabulous view from the penthouse of the Westin. The virtual presentation was felt to be too dry and too long to keep the audience engaged. It was suggested that presentations need to be short and limited to 2-3 per meeting with varying medical topics. Information on what is happening with CVMS, and progress made, could be given at each meeting. It was also suggested that perhaps Zoom meetings/presentations could be offered in between membership meetings to keep membership engaged. Perhaps we could provide information on what is happening medically in our local area that would be of interest. Meetings should be enjoyable but interesting and relevant to the attendees. The focus of our membership meetings should be on socialization, entertainment, and learning. We will post a survey in the Bulletin asking the membership for their input on what they want to hear about at the membership meetings.
Executive Director: Having advertised for the position and having received no other formal responses and having heard no formal rejection from the Board, Diane Warth is deemed approved by the Board for the position of Executive Director. The duties and job description of the position are listed here…
Information on TrueBlueMD: Mr. Davis gave a brief presentation on the TrueBlueMD Remote Patient Monitoring program (see attached). He noted that participating physicians would receive Medicare reimbursement with an extra 5% for CVMS members. TrueBlueMD will be added to CVMS as a Corporate Partner and as an additional benefit to our members. The Bulletin will contain more detailed information.
Tiered Membership and Dues: It was decided that further research would be needed before a decision could be made on this topic.
Dr. Montero’s Initiatives: Dr. Montero mentioned several initiatives his organization is working on for the spring and summer 2024. Further information will be forthcoming. The Behavioral Health initiative will have its grand opening in Chesapeake on April 1. A fund-raising golf tournament will be held on April 27.
Advocacy Committee: A motion was made and seconded to establish an Advocacy Committee for CVMS. Drs. Berger, Blackman and Archer agreed to be assigned to this Committee. It was suggested that Thomas Eppes should have input on this committee as well.
State Health Services Task Force: This initiative was discussed. This taskforce consists of 15-20 individuals and meets on a regular basis in Richmond. Its recommendations go directly to our legislators who have the ability to create changes in the current laws and to make new ones by writing bills to be voted on by the Virginia General Assembly. Dr. Keith Berger, our Vice-President, has a seat on this very important committee. CON (Certificate of Need) laws are also being discussed by this task force among other issues. We are very hopeful that we will be able to move forward on a number of issues through discussions on this task force. HB 403 is related to how to increase the mental healthcare workforce in Virginia and HB 1499 is related to how to cover areas in Virginia that are lacking in mental healthcare workers as well as redirecting specialists to those areas. In addition, areas of concern mentioned were commitment rules, lack of state hospital beds, pre-screening and simplifying the admission process. Dr. King indicated there were currently no mental health beds in Chesapeake. It was also suggested that Dr. Blackman contact Thomas Eppes due to his expertise on this subject.
Outreach and Marketing Committee: Drs. Keith Berger and Alexandria Berger agreed to be part of this Committee. Dr. Alexandria Berger will serve as Chair.
Dues Adjustment Proposal: Dr. Blackman proposed that dues should be lowered in the hope that more physicians would join. After discussion, it was decided to research the possibility of pricing changes at a later date.
NEXT MEETING: The next membership meeting will be held in mid-June. More information to follow. Need to begin preparation for this next general membership meeting as soon as possible.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Diane Warth
Executive Director
Please add your comments or suggestions on any past or future events in the box below.
Stay up to date on issues and news you need to know. The CVMS Bulletin is published monthly and will list concerns that local physicians have expressed about healthcare in Coastal Virginia and how we can make it better. We will provide potential solutions and let you know what is happening behind the scenes to help solve these problems. Membership is not currently required to receive the newsletter.
Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM
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Things You Need to Know
The Roman Fasces was a symbol of strength and power occurring as a result of many binding together. It was made of multiple elm or birchwood rods about 5 feet long tied together and sometimes including an axe. It was carried by attendants to soldiers or powerful figures in ancient Rome. For us, it symbolizes that we are stronger and more powerful if we bind together in supporting our goals.