MONDAY, 8/19/24, 7:00 P.M.
Call to Order: 7:05 p.m.
Present: Drs. Warth, Barr and Archer and Diane Warth.
Absent: Drs. A. Berger, K. Berger, Blackman and Mr. Beckner.
Membership Meeting: This will take place on Thursday, 9/19/24, 7:00-10:00 p.m. at the Westin. This will mostly be a social meeting but there will be one speaker about the economy. There will be a sign-in desk and dues collection for the upcoming year. Dr. Archer indicated he will be out of the country for this meeting.
CME Conference on 11/2/24: The conference will be from 8:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and held at Princess Anne Country Club. There will be 4 speakers: Drs. Blackman, D. Talreja, LaRocque and K. Berger. There may be a panel discussion at the end. Vendors will be Northwestern, Centerwell, MSVIA and others. MSVIA has agreed to be a sponsor. For marketing of the event, flyers, emails and posters will be prepared. It was noted that all health professionals are invited. The budget for the conference is a total of $8,000: $2,000 for speakers, $2,500 for CME certification and $1,500 for the room and refreshments at Princess Anne. We are hoping for 50 attendees to cover the costs. The fee is $160 for members and $200 for non-members. Invitations will be sent out soon. It was suggested that Board members be proactive and invite colleagues to attend.
Advocacy: Dr. Warth reported that Tri-County Medical Society has 2 proposals to present. The 3 proposals that were presented at the recent Advocacy Forum in Norfolk for CVMS were felt to be too wordy and needed to be revised (Women’s Rights, Mental Health and COPN).
The MSV Annual Meeting will take place in Norfolk, 10/17 – 10/20/24. Our 3 proposals will be presented at that time. Dr. Warth noted that he will not be able to attend this meeting due to a scheduling conflict.
CVMS Membership Outreach:
--Dr. Archer has been in touch with Dr. Peter LaPlace, but he will ask him again about joining CVMS. Dr. LaPlace practices in Norfolk.
--A general discussion was held about non-interest of local physicians to join our organization and others. The problem is they are part of large groups and do not feel the need.
--Dr. Barr has agreed to reach out to Dr. Stephanie Marioneaux, Chesapeake, about setting up a meeting there.
--Dr. Warth needs articles for the newsletter.
--Dr. Archer is writing an op-ed on Women’s Reproductive Rights.
--Dr. Barr indicated she has gotten no traction with contacting Bayview Physicians.
She also stated we need to show that CVMS can effect change and perhaps that would drive membership.
Other Comments:
--Dr. Barr talked about problems she is having in getting MRIs scheduled for patients with Optima and Anthem insurance. There is a requirement for waiting 6 weeks and then PT for 6 weeks before the MRI can be scheduled. Should contact be made with the Virginia State Insurance Commission for help?
--Dr. Archer suggested that CVMS ask members about their thoughts on Women’s Rights and Pro-Life issues.
--Dr. Barr suggested we educate local physicians about the importance of affiliating with MSV.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Warth
CVMS Executive Director
Please add your comments or suggestions on any past or future events in the box below.
Stay up to date on issues and news you need to know. The CVMS Bulletin is published monthly and will list concerns that local physicians have expressed about healthcare in Coastal Virginia and how we can make it better. We will provide potential solutions and let you know what is happening behind the scenes to help solve these problems. Membership is not currently required to receive the newsletter.
Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM
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Things You Need to Know
The Roman Fasces was a symbol of strength and power occurring as a result of many binding together. It was made of multiple elm or birchwood rods about 5 feet long tied together and sometimes including an axe. It was carried by attendants to soldiers or powerful figures in ancient Rome. For us, it symbolizes that we are stronger and more powerful if we bind together in supporting our goals.