CVMS Events


We intend to have quarterly membership in-person meetings or events that will serve as a way to provide social interaction, entertainment, food , drinks, updates on the status of CVMS, and a program of one or two speakers on topics of current general interest relating to medicine, healthcare or other topics of importance to all of us. We will usually invite legislators or prospective legislators with whom you can speak directly regarding their views on healthcare and what you would like to see happen in medical care in our local area and beyond. Getting together at these meeting is important for a number of reasons:

  • So we can socialize with our friends and colleagues. This is proven to help prevent burnout and loneliness, and to help bring some social enjoyment into our lives. Plus it's a safe place where we can commiserate with our fellow professionals about what's happening to Medicine these days. We can at lease ventilate and go home feeling better.
  • So we can get updates about what CVMS and others are doing to reduce our workloads, get better revenue for what we do, and help to improve our lives and that of our patients. CVMS is your voice in all these matters. You have NO input or control otherwise. 
  • So we can learn about new ways of practicing, better ways of billing. easier ways of keeping up our EMRs, improving patients' health literacy. 
  • So we can organize groups with special interests in sports, journals, books, traveling, collecting, research, writing, antique cars, model railroading, art, photography, etc., etc. You name your interest, we can make a group out of it.
  • So at the end of the day, we can say we did the best we could. We spoke up about the problems we see in Medicine today. We became a voice at the table at least. People started listening to us. And we tried to make a difference in changing what we knew was wrong. The more we talk about, and the more we let our legislators know about it, the more likely we are to change it.

News of these events will be posted here under Upcoming Events, in the Calendar, under Webinars, and under the News/What's New tab in the Menu on this site.


Upcoming Events


In place of the November 2nd medical conference which had to be cancelled, we are providing a series of one hour webinars on the same topics that were supposed to be covered in the conference. 

  • AI in Medicine and Cardiology by Dr. Deepak Talreja
  • Contraindications to the Use of Antidepressants by Dr. Jerome Blackman
  • Update on Diabetes and Obesity Treatments by Dr. James LaRocque
  • Medical Uses of Cannabis by Dr. Alex Hill and Dr. Victoria Crenshaw

Come back to this website to find dates and times when they will be presented. Each one will be recorded as well so if you can't make it to the live presentation, you can watch the recorded one. These webinars will only be available to those who have paid for the November conference and anyone wishing to enroll afterwards. Each Webinar costs $10, or you can pay $30 up front for all four. Go to the following page to enroll. If you have already paid for the November 2nd conference, you are already enrolled for the webinars. You will receive one CME credit for each webinar that you attend live.

CVMS Webinars

Virtual Conference on Inflammatory Brain Disorders on May 15-16, 2025

This conference via webcast is chaired by Professor Larry Steinman (Stanford) and Professor Sam Pleasure (UCFS) and features many of the top neuroimmunology experts in the world from Harvard, Yale, NIH, Stanford, UCLA, Emory, and more.

We would be very grateful if you'd share this event with your network and colleagues.

This virtual conference is being offered free of charge to 500 physicians. The link to register and request the waived fee can be found on our website.

CME credit is available to all live attendees.

More than 90% of attendees rated the overall quality of our prior conferences 5/5 in their CME evaluations. We hope you may be willing to share the details for the 2025 conference with your colleagues via email, website, or newsletter so that they may join free of charge.

Your Comments

Please add your comments or suggestions on any past or future events in the box below.  


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Stay up to date on issues and news you need to know. The CVMS Bulletin is published monthly and will list concerns that local physicians have expressed about healthcare in Coastal Virginia and how we can make it better. We will provide potential solutions and let you know what is happening behind the scenes to help solve these problems. Membership is not currently required to receive the newsletter.

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Recent Articles

  1. CVMS Bulletin Winter 2025

    Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM

    The official newsletter of the Coastal Virginia Medical Society

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  2. Physician Rights

    Jan 27, 25 10:03 AM

    A decription of the rights and responsibilities of a physician to provide quality patient care.

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  3. Patient Rights

    Jan 27, 25 09:32 AM

    A listing of patient right that should be listed and respected by any medical institution, clinic, and healthcare workers who provide patient care.

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Virginia Beach Health Department
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Roman Fasces: A symbol of strength and power due to the bundling of many into one united entity.

The Roman Fasces was a symbol of strength and power occurring as a result of many binding together. It was made of multiple elm or birchwood rods about 5 feet long tied together and sometimes including an axe. It was carried by attendants to soldiers or powerful figures in ancient Rome. For us, it symbolizes that we are stronger and more powerful if we bind together in supporting our goals.

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