Welcome to the second edition of the CVMS Bulletin bringing you updates on the status of healthcare in Eastern Virginia. We hope you find it interesting, informative and enjoyable. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make it better.
The merger of the three medical societies in Norfolk, Virginia Beach and Chesapeake is moving along well. There will be another meeting this month to confirm the legal services that we will use to officially change the name to the Coastal Virginia Medical Society so we will be legally recognized as such by the Virginia State Corporation Commission and by the IRS.
The Organization Committee will also review all applicable documents from each of the three societies and merge them into one package for submission to the SCC and the IRS as required for non-profit status and verification of our name change.
A new set of Bylaws will be developed along with a new Board of Directors. The current suggestion is to have four officers (Pres., V.P., Treas., and Sec.) and three Directors-At-Large, one from each city, along with a paid non-voting Executive Director.
Our new organization intends to remain independent from the Medical Society of Virginia, but will collaborate with them on multiple issues that are of interest to both groups.
CVMS will continue to communicate with our neighboring societies to share information and resources that will help all of us. The Medical Society of Northern Virginia and the Tri-county Medical Societies have been tremendous resources in putting this together.
The Committee will begin to discuss finances, and begin partnering with local businesses to provide exclusive benefits for our members. Membership benefits are considered an integral part of the plan to attract and maintain enough members to create a strong organization, similar to what our neighboring Societies have done.
CVMS will initiate discussions with EVMS and ODU and hopefully collaborate with them on educational and recruitment opportunities. Mutual objectives include expanding CME opportunities, improving the shortage of providers and allowing access to better healthcare in Eastern Virginia.
Many physicians are beginning to see patients with a constellation of symptoms that occur in about 10% of patients who have had COVID-19. This is a very challenging syndrome, currently called Long COVID, for patients and healthcare providers alike. There does not appear to be any specific treatment available at this time. About all we can do currently is identify it and hope for research to help us try to find ways to cope with it. Here is a review article just published in January 2023 that might be helpful to those who are seeing these patients, so we can at least be knowledgeable about what it is and how to deal with it using our most current information.
Gov. Glenn Youngkin has proposed a $10 million amendment to the budget that would allow Old Dominion University and Eastern Virginia Medical School to merge into a new institution called Eastern Virginia Health Sciences Center at Old Dominion University. Sentara Healthcare will collaborate in this merger as well. The plan was initially rejected in 2020, but changes in leadership and public health requirements have brought the institutions closer together. The advantages include improvements in healthcare staffing issues. The combination of resources would help to improve the critical shortage of physicians and other healthcare providers in the area. The current plan is for this to occur no later than July of 2024.
Mar 02, 25 09:36 AM
Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM
Jan 27, 25 10:03 AM
AMA's Response to Proposed Ban on Non-Compete Clauses
Tell Congress to Stop the Medicare cuts
Get Stroke Smart Materials for your practice.
Severn Leadership Group Fellows Program
Chopin in Space - March 18, 2023
Here is your chance to let us know what is on your mind. What problems with healthcare in this area are you most concerned about? What benefit or service can we provide to help you the most with regard to your well being or that of your patients?
Please be sure there are no typos in your email address. Otherwise we won't be able to reply.
Just for Fun...
We hope you enjoyed this New Year's edition of the CVMS Bulletin. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, let us know at cvms@cvmedicalsociety.org. If you wish to provide an article or your own story to put in this newsletter, send it in. Watch the "What's New" link in the Menu for updates in between the monthly newsletters. Let us know if you wish to be involved in the CVMS organization process or if you know of any resources or benefits we could potentially provide for the membership.
Thank you for subscribing to the CVMS Bulletin.
Mar 02, 25 09:36 AM
Feb 03, 25 09:12 AM
Jan 27, 25 10:03 AM
Things You Need to Know
The Roman Fasces was a symbol of strength and power occurring as a result of many binding together. It was made of multiple elm or birchwood rods about 5 feet long tied together and sometimes including an axe. It was carried by attendants to soldiers or powerful figures in ancient Rome. For us, it symbolizes that we are stronger and more powerful if we bind together in supporting our goals.
There is one remaining MSV Lobby Day left:
February 13, 2023
Location: 7th & Franklin Building, Richmond, VA
Start with breakfast with MSV staff. Then meet with your legislators to advocate for your profession and better healthcare for your patients.
Make your appointment here: https://www.msv.org/advocacy/take-action/lobbyday/
HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Treatment
Pfizer COVID-19 Training Sessions and Additional Vaccine Information
Includes a section on what to tell your patients
VDH Clinician Letters - COVID-19 updated from the Virginia State Health Commissioner